Minggu, 08 Februari 2015

Analytical Expostion

Paragraf pertama berisi Thesis, yaitu paragraf yang memperkenalkan issu atau hal apa yang mau disampaikan dalam teks tesebut. Didalnya ada inti permasalahan yang harus diyakinkan kepada pembacanya. Makanya tujuan ini bisa tercapai kalau dilanjutkat dengan paragraf yang mendukung apa yang diinginkan penulis

Paragraf kedua dan seterusnya berfungsi sebagai Arguments yang mendukung gagassan thesis pada paragraf pertama. Argumentasinya tetnu bisa tidak hanya 1 paragraf

Paragraf penutup berisi Reorientation, yaitu catatan atau kesimpulan penulis terhadap apa yang telah disampaikan dalam Thesis pada paragraf pertama.

Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About 50 thousands people die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking.
Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.
Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteen cigarettes.
Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit. Smoking however is not good for every body else.
1. Thesis: This per-conclusive paragraph states the writer’s point of view about the topic discussed. Writer has show himself in clear position of the discussed topic. Paragraph 1 is the thesis of this analytical exposition text. It states the fact of the very fatal impact of the smoking habit. Clearly the writer wants to say that smoking is not a good habit.
2. Arguments: Presenting arguments in analytical exposition text is as important as giving conflict plot in narrative text. The series of argument will strengthen the thesis stated before. In this example of analytical exposition text, paragraph 2 and 3 are the detail arguments presented in a reporting fact to support that smoking is not good even for smokers themselves. Furthermore, people who do not smoke but they are in smoky area have the bad effect too from the smoking habit.
3. Reiteration: This end paragraph actually is restating the thesis. It is something like conclusive paragraph from the previous arguments. The last paragraph of this example of analytical exposition points again that smoking is not good for smokers and people around smokers. However smoking is very good for Cigarette Companies

Disaster Secret of Aceh

Disaster secret of Aceh (issue)

Satellite photos in seconds a wave of the tsunami in Aceh ... Satellite those on Aceh at the time was a fluke?
Most people assume Tsunami is a purely natural disaster, a few others look "out of the box" that a tsunami is engineered American thermonuclear weapon tested. One of them, M.Dzikron AM, lecturer Faculty of Engineering Unisba explain on this hypothesis,
1. NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, several times to change the magnitude and position data is the epicenter of the earthquake, as well as irregularities absence of a warning on 'seismograph' in Indonesia and India. Simply put, the earthquake is always triggered by the so-called electromagnetic frequency at 0.5 or 12 Hertz, and not a process that occurs suddenly such as the tsunami in Aceh.
2. Most of the bodies were found lying dead with a solid black leather, deaths from drowning will not change the color of the skin so quickly and so black, otherwise black bodies also appear after the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
3. American warships arrive quickly and survive in Aceh for several months instead of just inserting aid but also keep an eye on the sea area that Indonesian researchers do not go down there.
4. Found nuclear waste two months after the tsunami in Somalia who later revealed UNEP, which is probably derived from the Indian Ocean.
The type of weapon used HAARP estimated called W-53 thermonuclear Warhead with the power of 9 megatons it can be easily placed in a container that looks like diving chamber (dive in) are typically used in oil exploitation. These containers also protects them from the pressure of 10,000 pounds per square inch at the bottom of deep ocean trenches. The total weight of the container is less than five tonnes, so it can be dropped from the stern of the ship supply offshore oil drilling platforms. The method is called SCALAR technology, which uses electromagnetic waves to manipulate the forces of nature.
Electromagnetic wave technology-based destroyer was first introduced Russian scientist Nikola Tesla Scientist makes earthquakes in various countries in 1937 as the research sample. Furthermore, Tesla conducted research on the creation of a tool that is able to bring high-frequency waves that can trigger a storm and tectonic earthquake. After going through various improvements, the tool is able to defeat the forces of Nuclear.
Later weapons of mass destruction known as elektromangnetik SCALAR. Surprisingly, this Tesla design then disappear without trace after he died and reappeared in the HAARP program, whereas when it was first offered to the Pentagon, Tesla's design was rejected.
According Bertell, the US has been tested since decades ago. Uncle Sam uses barium and lithium are "sent" to the ozone layer with the help of electromagnetic waves into the sky asian countries. Bertell theory supported Michel Chossudovsky, who works as an analyst of global armament. Chossudovsky accused the Pentagon had long made a weapon to manipulate the weather. April 1997, according to Defense Secretary William Cohen, the US was forced to face the weather changer weapon attack with such weapons. Likewise, the use of electromagnetic waves trigger the earthquake and tsunami.
What Chossudovsky described Bartell and actually are beyond our logical reasoning, so we have more confidence that a tsunami is too abstruse created and designed by humans. But if we think about the issue of what is currently predicted by the United States and its allies, especially those involved in the manipulation of global warming, it is no longer a weapon HAARP Hollywood fantasy stories, such as those around the world who had never believed in the Atomic Bomb Enola Gay dropped turns modified nuclear technology at that time was considered so advanced.
As we know HAARP (High Altitude Atmospheric Research Project) is a weapon that is designed to create natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis. HAARP has its own reasons to serve as a new force in the global warming issue, as in their latest project which uses ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) to penetrate the layers of soil and ice then destroy / melting the Arctic plate, punching holes in the ozone as described sdh, making earthquakes such as in Haiti, China and Korea, as well as creating a 'hurricane'.

Contoh Descriptive Text

Di bawah ini, terdapat 5 contoh descriptive text about place yang bisa menjadi referensi Anda mengenai apa itu descriptive text dan bagaimana cara membuat sebuah descriptive text yang baik. Semoga bermanfaat.

Derawan Islands

Derawan is a tropical paradise that is so perfect. In Derawan, you will see a view of the white sand, sunshine, palm trees, and a nice beach. This is God’s amazing grace. The island has a life under the sea which is very beautiful. Inside it, you will find dolphins, stingrays, barracuda, giant turtles, and jellyfish. Shark is also the animals that live in the underwater park of Derawan. With such wealth, it does not surprise when this island nominated as one of the best dive destinations in the world.
Derawan Islands are in Berau, East Kalimantan. It consists of 31 islands. While, the most famous islands are Derawan, Kakaban, Charitable, and Maratua. All these regions are an important part of marine conservation in Indonesia and have at least 1.27 acres in wide. In Derawan sea, you can see the green turtles and hawksbill turtles which are quite rare. You can even swim in the sea along with the Turtles.
Coral species in Derawan’s water life are very much at all, at least there are 46 species of corals and this is the second stage of Raja Ampat islands in Papua. Meanwhile, there are at least 870 species of fish ranging from seahorses to Pari Manta. Besides Derawan, there Kakaban. Here, you will find the largest and most diverse jellyfish lake’s in the world. Stingless jellyfish is a kind of the most rare and you will find those in this island.

Bukit Lawang

Bukit Lawang is referred to as the gateway to Sumatra Forest. When you explore this jungle, then you will feel a truly amazing experience. It is a hill that has a slippery field and muddy slopes. The journey through the Bukit Lawang will be thrilling and unforgettable.
When you’ve entered Bukit Lawang, then you will get to the forests of Sumatra. This dense forest is the main attraction that is in demand by both domestic and foreign tourists. What is the attraction? Orangutan is a species that is able to be a magnet for tourists. You can easily see orangutan swinging in the forest, and there are at least 5000 species which belongs to the biggest orangutan conservation in Indonesia.
The conservation has been operated since 1973 and until now, it has attracted a lot of tourists around the world. Nevertheless, the number of orangutan in the wild continues to decline over time due to the hunting done by people who do not have a responsibility.

Libong Sitodo River

Libong Sitodo river is approximately 8 kilometers from Polewali, Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi. Along the river, there will be a natural perfect and fascinating dish. There is also a waterfall called Indo Rannuang. Both the waterfalls and rivers Libong Sitodo is wonderful and this is the natural beauty that you can find only in kunyi Village, District Areapi.
Sitodo Libong River is a location that provides a natural baths with natural river water as the source. The water is so clear, cool, and of course clean! You will get an unforgettable experience for you because while bathing in the river, there will be a beautiful scenery of trees and the others life of tropical rain forest.

Sembilang National Park

Sembilang national park is a wetland that has a wide range of forest ecosystems. In this national park, there are at least four distinct ecosystems include peat swamps, mangrove forests, freshwater swamps, and mud land. Administratively, this is an area that became part of the district Banyuasin and has been named as a national park since 19 March 2003.
This area is called the Sembilang because there are so many Sembilang fish or plotosus canius called in Latin. In Banyuasin peninsula, there is the east coast of South Sumatra and this is the river which is really suitable for water birds. Wet soil conditions and bordered by mangrove forest are the perfect location for the worm like molluscs, and crustaceans. That is why there are many water birds living in there.
Some bird species include the Kuntul Cina (Egretta Eulophotes), Trinil Lumpur-Asia (Limnodromus Semipalmatus), dan Pedendang Topeng (Heliopais Personata). They are some kind of 30 birds migrating from their main habitat. Those birds live in the Banyuasin peninsula in order to avoid the winter at their main location in Siberia, and the Korean Peninsula.

Tanjung Setia Beach

The beach is probably you don’t know, but the wave on the beach in Tanjung Setia are referred as one of the best waves in the world by international surfers. You need to know that the wave on this beach is equal with the waves in Hawaii.
If you want to visit, you have to travel in about 273 km or at least 6 hours from the city of Bandar Lampung. This beach is located in the village of Tanjung Setia West Lampung, and directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean so this incredible place has a such great wave. Nevertheless, despite this beach has waves with height up to 7 meters, but it is not popularly known as a beach in Bali and Lombok.
When you arrive at Tanjung Setia, then you will see a very long beach with blue sea and big waves. At the shore, there are many lodging so you do not need to be confused to stay if you want to. In fact, there are many foreigners who are surfers from all over the world come to Tanjung Setia beach and take some nights there.
Arti dari 5 contoh descriptive text about place:

Kepulauan Derawan

Derawan merupakan sebuah surga di daerah tropis yang sangat sempurna. Di Derawan, Anda akan menyaksikan pemandangan pasir putih, sinar matahari, pohon kelapa, dan laut yang jernih. Ini merupakan anugerah Tuhan yang luar biasa. Pulau ini mempunyai kehidupan bawah laut yang sangat indah. Di dalamnya, Anda akan menemukan lumba-lumba, ikan pari, barakuda, kura-kura raksasa, dan ubur-ubur. Ikan hiu juga merupakan hewan yang hidup di taman bawah laut Derawan. Dengan kekayaan tersebut, tidak mengherankan apabila pulau ini menjadi tempat tujuan menyelam terbaik di dunia.
Kepulauan Derawan berada di Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Kepulauan tersebut terdiri atas 31 pulau. Pulau-pulau yang paling terkenal antara lain adalah Derawan, Kakaban, Sangalaki, dan Maratua. Semua wilayah tersebut adalah bagian penting dari konservasi laut di Indonesia dan mempunyai luas 1,27 hektar. Di lautan Derawan, Anda bisa menyaksikan Kura-kura hijau yang sangat langka serta penyu sisik. Anda bahkan bisa berenang di laut bersama dengan Kura-Kura.
Jenis karang yang ada di kehidupan laut Derawan sangat banyak sekali, setidaknya ada 46 jenis karang dan ini adalah jumlah paling banyak kedua setelah pulau Raja Ampat di Papua. Sementara itu, ada setidaknya 870 jenis ikan mulai dari kuda laut hingga pari manta.
Selain Derawan, masih ada Kakaban. Disini, Anda akan menemukan danau Ubur-ubur terbesar dan paling beragam di seluruh dunia. Ubur-ubur stingless adalah jenis ubu-ubur yang paling langka dan Anda akan menemukannya di kepulauan tersebut.

Bukit Lawang

Bukit Lawang disebut sebagai pintu gerbang menuju Hutan Sumatera. Ketika Anda menjelajahi hutan ini, maka Anda akan merasakan pengalaman yang benar-benar menakjubkan. Ini adalah bukit yang mempunyai medan licin serta lereng yang curam berlumpur. Perjalanan melalui bukit Lawang akan mendebarkan dan tidak terlupakan.
Ketika Anda sudah melalui bukit Lawang, maka Anda akan sampai ke hutan Sumatera. Hutan lebat ini menjadi daya tarik yang sangat diminati oleh para wisatawan baik domestik maupun mancanegara. Apa daya tarik tersebut? Orangutan adalah spesies yang mampu menjadi magnet bagi para wisatawan. Anda dengan mudah melihat orangutan berayun dan di hutan tersebut, setidaknya ada 5000 spesies serta termasuk ke dalam konservasi orangutan terbesar di Indonesia.
Konservasi tersebut telah beroperasi sejak tahun 1973 dan hingga saat ini telah menarik banyak wisatawan di seluruh dunia. Kendati demikian, jumlah orangutan yang ada di hutan ini terus menurun dari waktu ke waktu akibat perburuan liar yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertangguh jawab.

Sungai Libong Sitodo

Sungai ini adalah sungai yang berada sekitar 8 kilometer dari Polewali, Polewali Mandar, Sulawesi Barat. Di sungai tersebut terdapat sebuah sajian alam yang sempurna dan mempesona. Terdapat juga sebuah air terjun yang bernama Indo Rannuang. Keduanya, baik air terjun maupun sungai Libong Sitodo sangatlah mempesona dan merupakan kekayaan alam yang bisa Anda temui hanya di Desa Kunyi, Kecamatan Areapi.
Sungai Libong Sitodo adalah sebuah lokasi yang menyediakan pemandian alami dengan air sungai alami sebagai sumbernya. Airnya begitu bening, sejuk, dan tentu saja bersih. Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman tidak terlupakan karena selagi Anda mandi di sungai tersebut, terdapat pemandangan berupa pepohonan.

Taman Nasional Sembilang

Taman nasional sembilang adalah sebuah lahan basah yang mempunyai berbagai macam ekosistem hutan. Di taman nasional ini, setidaknya ada empat ekosistem berbeda yaitu gambut rawa, hutan mangrove, rawa air tawar, dan daratan lumpur. Secara administrative, ini merupakan daerah yang menjadi bagian dari kabupaten Banyuasin serta telah dinobatkan sebagai taman nasional sejak 19 maret 2003.
Daerah ini dinamakan dengan sembilang karena terdapat banyak sekali ikan sembilang atau disebut dengan plotosus canius dalam bahasa latin. Di semenanjung Banyuasin, terdapat pantai timur Sumatera Selatan serta merupakan sungai yang benar-benar cocok untuk burung air. Kondisi tanahnya becek serta berbatasan dengan hutan mangrove dimana merupakan lokasi yang cocok untuk para cacing seperti moluska, dan krustasea. Itulah sebabnya ada banyak burung air yang tinggal di daerah tersebut.
Beberapa jenis burung antara lain adalah Kuntul Cina (Egretta Eulophotes), Trinil Lumpur-Asia (Limnodromus Semipalmatus), dan Pedendang Topeng (Heliopais Personata). Mereka adalah beberapa jenis dari 30 jeni burung yang melakukan migrasi dari semenanjung Banyuasin. Burung-burung tersebut tinggal sementara di semenanjung Banyuasin dalam rangka menghindari musim dingin di lokasi utama mereka yaitu di Siberia, dan Semenanjung Korea.

Pantai Tanjung Setia

Pantai ini mungkin tidak terlalu Anda kenal. Namun ombak yang ada di pantai Tanjung Setia disebut sebagai salah satu ombak terbaik di dunia oleh para peselancar. Perlu Anda ketahui bahwa ombak yang ada di pantai ini, sejajar dengan ombak yang ada di Hawaii.
Jika Anda ingin mengunjunginya, Anda harus menempuh jarak jingga 273 km atau setidaknya 6 jam dari Kota Bandar Lampung. Pantai ini terletak di Desa Tanjung Setia Kabupaten Lampung Barat, dan berbatasan langsung dengan Samudera Hindia sehingga mempunyai ombak yang begitu besar. Kendati demikian, meskipun pantai ini mempunyai ombak dengan ketinggian hingga 7 meter, namun ia belum dikenal seperti pantai yang ada di Bali dan Lombok.
Ketika Anda sampai di Tanjung Setia, maka Anda akan melihat pantai yang sangat panjang dengan laut biru dan ombak besar. Di tepi pantai, terdapat banyak penginapan sehingga Anda tidak perlu bingung harus tinggal dimana apabila berada di pantai tersebut. Bahkan, ada banyak sekali orang-orang asing yang merupakan peselancar dari seluruh dunia datang ke pantai Tanjung Setia.

Recount Text

A. Pengertian Recount Text

Recount Text adalah salah satu dari jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan kembali kejadian-kejadian atau pengalaman-pengalaman di masa lampau. Tujuan dari Recount Text adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menghibur pembaca. Di dalam Recount Text tidak terdapat komplikasi (Complication) seperti halnya di Narrative Text.

B. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks Recount 
Tujuan komunikatif Recount Text seperti penjelasan di atas adalah untuk melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan dengan tujuan memberitakan atau menghibur tentunya tanpa ada konflik di dalam cerita tersebut.
C. Generic structure Teks Recount
1. Orientation
Orientation atau pengenalan yaitu memberikan informasi tentang siapa, di mana, dan kapan peristiwa atau kegiatan itu terjadi di masa lampau.
2. Events
Events merupakan rekaman peristiwa yang terjadi, yang biasanya disampaikan dalam urutan kronologis, seperti "In the first day, I ... . And in the next day ... . And In the last day ..." . Di bagian Events ini juga biasanya terdapat komentar pribadi tentang peristiwa atau kejadian yang diceritakan.
3. Reorientation
Pada bagian Reorientation, terdapat pengulangan pengenalan yang ada di Orientation, pengulangan yang merangkum rentetan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan yang diceritakan.
D. Ciri Kebahasaan Recount Text

Terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang mungkin akan teman-teman temukan ketika membaca sebuah Recount Text. Ciri-ciri kebahasaan dari Recount Text tersebut adalah:
  • Menggunakan Past Tense. Misalkan we went to zoo, I was happy, etc.
  • Menggunakan Conjunction dan Time Connectives untuk mengurutkan peristiwa atau kejadian. Misalnya and, but, the, aftar that, etc.
  • Menggunakan Adverbs dan Adverbial Phrase untuk mengungkapkan tempat, waktu dan cara. Misalkan yesterday, at my house, slowly, etc.
  • Menggunakan Action Verbs. Misalkan went, slept, run, brought, etc.

E. Contoh Recount Text

Di bawah ini penulis juga sertakan sebuah contoh Recount Text beserta terjemahannya untuk menambah dan mempermudah pemahaman teman-taman mengenai penjelasan Recount Text di atas.
Our trip to the Blue Mountain
On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David and Della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colourful flowers and a tennis court.

(Pada hari jumat kami pergi ke Blue Mountains. Kami menginap di rumah David dan Della. Rumah tersebut mempunyai sebuah taman yang besar dengan banyak bunga warna warni dan sebuah lapangan tenis.)

On Saturday we saw the Three Sisters and went on the scenic railway. It was scary. Then, Mummy and I went shopping with Della. We went to some antique shops and I tried on some old hats. On Sunday we went on the Scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockatoos having a shower.

(Pada hari sabtu kami melihat Three Sister dan pergi ke pemandangan jalan kereta api yang indah. Sangat menakutkan. Kemudian ibu dan saya pergi berbelanja dengan Della. Kita pergi ke toko-toko antik dan mencoba mendapatkan beberapa topi tua. Pada hari minggu kami pergi ke pemandangan Skyway dan berbatu. Kami melihat burung kakatua sedang mandi.)

In the afternoon we went home. That was very pleasent moment with my family that I ever got.

(Di sore hari kami pulang ke rumah. Itu merupakan momen paling menyenangkan bersama keluarga yang saya pernah dapatkan. )

Hortatory Text


  • Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done.
  • Hortatory exposition text can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc.
  • Hortatory expositions are popular among science, academic community and educated people.
  • To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In other words, this kind of text can be called as argumentation.
To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done.
 Generic Structure:
  1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern
  2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation
  3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments
Language features:
1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Using modals
3. Using action verbs
4. Using thinking verbs
5. Using adverbs
6. Using adjective
7. Using technical terms
8. Using general and abstract noun
9. Using connectives/transition
Then what is the basic difference between analytical and hortatory exposition?
In simple word. Analytical is the answer of “How is/will” while hortatory is the answer of “How should”. Analytical exposition will be best to describe “How will student do for his examination? The point is the important thing to do. But for the question” How should student do for his exam?” will be good to be answered with hortatory. It is to convince that the thing should be done.
The examples of Hortatory Exposition:

Internet for students

 Nowadays, in modern era, I think internet is very important for students.
As we all know internet has many function for supporting our life. They are, first, it gives us various information, news, knowledge etc. Students can search anything or something from internet. Take for example, they search about education, entertainment, knowledge etc that is in the world.
Second, they can add their friends in all countries in the world by internet. Chatting, e-mail, facebook, twitter, interpals are some examples of internet facility to have many friends. Besides, they can share, communicate, discuss and so on.
From my arguments above, as student, we should use internet facility well to get knowledge, friends, information etc.
Watching TV
 Is it important to know what your kids are watching? Of course it is. Television can expose your children to things that you have tried to protect them from, especially violence, drug abuse, etc.
 Argument 1:
 One study demonstrated that watching too much TV during the day or at bedtime often causes bedtime resistance, sleep onset delay and anxiety around sleep, followed by shortened sleep duration.
 Argument 2:
 Another study found a significant association between the amount of time spent watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the like hood of subsequent aggressive acts against others.
 Argument 3:
Meanwhile, many studies have found an association between kids watching a lot of TV, being inactive and overweight.

Report Text

Generic Structure Report Text Bahasa Inggris

Tiap jenis teks mempunyai fungsi dan cara penyusunan yang berbeda. Report text akan selalu ditulis berdasarkan struktur sebagai berikut:

General identification: Identifikasi terhadap objek yang akan dibicarakan. Umumnya objek yang dimaksud bersifat umum alias tidak spesifik.
Descriptions: Gambaran atau cirri-ciri objek yang sedang dibahas. Biasanya fase ini akan ditulis banyak mengenai bagian-bagian (parts), kebiasaan (custom), dan fungsi atau kegunaan (usage).
Meski begitu dalam berapa contoh tulisan yang besifat laporan yang bisa kita temukan dalam majalah atau Koran bahasa Inggris, struktur paragraph seperti diatas tidak selamanya diaplikasikan secara kaku. Untuk memeperjelas, mari kita lihat 6 contoh teks report bahasa Inggris tentang bunga berikut. Jenis bunga yang dibahas adalah jenis bunga yang popular kita kenal disekitar kita.
1. Contoh Report Text Tentang Bunga Sakura (Cherry Blossom)
Contoh Text Report Bahasa Inggris Tentang Bunga Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom: Contoh Text Report Bahasa Inggris
Cherry Blossom
Have you ever wondered how beautiful Japanese scenes are? Most of them are seen and dominated by the the beauty cherry blossom.
Cherry blossom has scientific name as Genus Prenus. It has been called as Sakura in Japan. Cherry blossom belongs to the Rosacea family.
Now days, Cherry blossom is seen in some varieties such as; Yama Zakura, Oshima Sakura, Amerika Sakura and many other types.
The main characteristic of cherry blossom is on the way it grows. The flower grows earlier than the leaves. Cherry blossom have many colors. There are white, little pink, and red.
Mostly cherry blossoms grow in moist low and highland. A place with a little bit moist and is protected from sunlight is best for its natural habitat.
2. Contoh Report Text Bunga Mawar (Rose)
Contoh Text Report Bahasa Inggris tentang bunga rose
Rose: Contoh Text Report Bahasa Inggris
If you are in love, you may remember a rose. It is a symbol of romantic thing. However do you know the nature of this beautiful flower?
Rose is in a family of Rosaceae. The flower is large and showy. The colours range from white through yellows and reds. Most species of rose are native to Asia,
Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Rose plants can grow in different size from compact, miniature, to climbers which reach 7 meters in height.
The popular species of roses are Banksianae, Caninae, Carolinae, Chinensis, Gallicanae. Banksianae is a rose flower from China which is white and yellow. Caninae is a species from Asia, Europe and North Africa which is pink and white. Carolinae is known from North America which has a white, pink, and bright pink colour. Chinensis is a white, pink, yellow, red and mixed-color rose from China and Burma. Gallicanae is a species of roses from western Asia and Europe which is pink to crimson.
Roses are best known as ornamental plants grown for their flowers in the garden and sometimes indoors. They have been also used for commercial perfumery and commercial cut flower crops.

Apa itu Narative text?

Penjelasan + Contoh Narrative Text - Belajar bahasa Inggris pada kesempatan kali ini kan membahas lengkap mengenai Narrative Text. Semua orang pasti sering menceritakan kejadian yang dialaminya kepada seseorang, baik teman, saudara, orang tua, dll. Nah, sebenarnya apa yang kita lakukan ketika menceritakan kejadian yang kita alami ke seseorang merupakan contoh aplikatif dari Narrative Text. Oleh karena itu semua orang pasti sudah tahu atau paling tidak pernah mendengar kata Narrative Text sebelumnya. Narrative Text merupakan jenis teks bahasa inggris yang sering muncul dan di ajarkan pada tingkat pendidikan SMP atau SMP. Tapi apa sih sebenarnya Narrative Text itu?

Untuk itu, pada kesempatan kali ini penulis mencoba hadirkan pengertian, tujuan komunikatif, struktur kebahasaan, ciri kebahasaan dan contoh dari Narrative Text. Semoga penjelasan di bawah ini bermanfaat. Terima kasih. Check this out!!!

A. Pengertian Narrative Text
Narrative Text adalah satu dari 13 jenis teks bahasa inggris (genre) yang lahir dari kalangan Narration (lihat Types Of Text) sepertihalnya Recount Text, Anecdote Text, Spoof Text dan News Items Text yang mana berfungsi untuk menceritakan kisah masa lampau dan untuk hiburan.

B. Tujuan Komunikatif Narrative Text
Tujuan Komunikatif Narrative Text seperti yang dijelaskan di atas adalah untuk menghibur pendengar atau pembaca tentang suatu kisah atau cerita masa lampau yang bertalian dengan pengalaman nyata, khayal atau peristiwa-peristiwa pelik yang mengarah ke suatu krisis, yang pada akhirnya menemukan suatu penyelesaian.

C. Generic Structure Narrative Text
Setiap jenis teks bahasa Inggris (genre) memiliki struktur teks-nya sendiri-sendiri. Struktur dari Narrative Text terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu :

1. Orientation
 Pada bagian Orientation atau pengenalan berisi tentang pengenalan tokoh dalam cerita serta waktu dan tempat kejadiannya.

2. Complication
Pada bagian Complication berisi tentang gambaran munculnya krisis atau masalah yang di alami oleh tokoh pada cerita tersebut yang harus dipecahkan.
3. Resolution
Pada bagian Resolution berisi tentang bagaiman tokoh dari cerita tersebut memecahkan masalah yang ada pada bagian Complication. Biasanya terdapat lebih dari satu Resolution untuk satu Complication.

Pada beberapa referensi tentang Narrative Text, terdapat tambahan generic structure pada Narrative Text, yaitu penambahan Coda setelah Resoultion. Jadi susunan Narrative text adalah Orientiation, Complication, Resolution dan Coda.

Coda adalah bagian terakhir dari structure Narrative Text yang berisi perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita tersebut.

D. Ciri Kebahasan Narrative Text
Pada Narrative Text, terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri antara lain sebagai berikut :
  • Mengunakan Action Verb dalam bentuk Past Tense. Misalnya : Climbed, Turned, Brought, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Nouns tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan dan benda tertentu dalam cerita. Misalnya : the king, the queen, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Adjectives yang membentuk noun phrase. Misalnya : long black hair, two red apples, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Time Connectives dan Conjunctions untuk mengurutkan kejadian-kejadian. Misalnya : then, before, after, soon, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Adverbs dan Adverbial Phrase untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian atau peristiwa. Misalnya : here, in the mountain, happily ever after, dsb. 

Penjelasan Narrative Text dan Contoh LENGKAP!!!

E. Contoh Narrative Text

1. Snow White

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle because her parents were dead. 

One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.

Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.

Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “what is your name?” Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”
Doc, one of the dwarfs, said, “If you wish, you may live here with us.” Snow White said, “Oh could I? Thank you.” Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and finally Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.


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